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An agenda for action – Transitioning to a healthy sustainable food system in Latin America

South America
Identificador del Proyecto
Total del financiamiento
CAD 774,419.00
Funcionario del IDRC
Roberto Bazzani
Estado de Proyecto
Fecha de finalización
12 meses

Principales instituciones

Líder del proyecto:
Daniel Maceira

Líder del proyecto:
Guillermo Paraje

Líder del proyecto:
Janine Giuberti Coutinho


Latin America contributes almost 10% of total global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), mostly from the energy sector, agriculture, and land use. The latter two account for 56% of total GHGs in the region, compared to the global average of 22%.Más información

Latin America contributes almost 10% of total global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), mostly from the energy sector, agriculture, and land use. The latter two account for 56% of total GHGs in the region, compared to the global average of 22%. With the highest rates of overweight and obesity in the world coexisting with persistent undernutrition and climate change, Latin America is emblematic of these interrelated health and environmental issues. Yet, it is also a region with a growing community of academic, advocacy, and policy players that have enabled leading policies and experiences aligned with a healthy food systems framework.

In parallel to the Rockefeller Foundation and IDRC partnership work on healthy and sustainable food systems in East Africa, Wellcome and IDRC will support the development of an agenda for action for a transition to a health-promoting and climate friendly food system in Latin America. A multidisciplinary coalition of researchers across the region will review the evidence on how to accelerate the transition to healthy sustainable food systems that prioritize access to healthy and affordable diets, while keeping GHG emissions within sustainable limits. They will analyze the underlying political economy that may prevent or enable rapid action.

Expected outcomes include a collective agenda for advocacy and action on healthy sustainable food systems, developed in collaboration with change agents across the region, particularly in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. The project will also develop targeted communication about the opportunities for local change, contribute to global leadership from Latin Americans, and ensure visibility and discussion of an agenda for action at the national, regional, and international level.


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The effects of hegemonic food systems have become more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, driven by agribusiness and mechanisms that broaden inequality, deepening tensions for survival and increasing food and nutrition insecurity. This Agenda for Action was elaborated based on the study “The five dimensions of Food Systems in Brazil: A Literature Review.” These dimensions are identified and their relationships analyzed in terms of policy: 1) Business/commoditization; 2) Supply and Demand; 3) Ecology/agroecology; 4) Health and consumption; 5) Governance and policy. Pathways towards transition to healthier food systems are proposed.

Azevedo, Alan



This literature review contributes to the development of an agenda for the transition of food systems in Brazil, fundamental towards change in the way food is produced, marketed, supplied and consumed. Five dimensions are proposed for examination: 1. Business/commoditization; 2. Supply and Demand; 3. Ecology/agroecology; 4. Health and consumption; 5. Governance and policy. Their thematic scope, challenges and recommendations are discussed. As well, the enforced political and legal frameworks in Brazil that contribute to the transition towards healthy and sustainable food systems are presented.

Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor



The project identified four key priorities to be developed in order to drive forward food systems transformation: 1) collaborating across multiple sectors; 2) broadening alliances and strengthening evidence-based approaches; 3) food governance based on human rights; 4) strengthening the regulatory role of states, and preventing corporate interference. These priorities underly the Agenda for Action developed by the Brazilian Institute for Consumer’s Defense (Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor/ Idec). The project aims towards an integrated evidence-based agenda for action towards healthy and sustainable food systems in Latin America that prioritize healthy affordable diets, while keeping greenhouse gases emissions within sustainable limits.

Longhi, Lorenza



The project identifies areas of knowledge regarding interactions between environmental challenges and impacts on nutritional health, opening an area of research and social analysis for further exploration. This report provides in-depth information, focusing on Argentina, intertwining global food systems and agroecology; legal frameworks and regulation; and analyzing relationships, challenges and conflicts between industry sectors and ministry departments. The project developed a specific research area that seeks to guarantee the visibility and debate of an action agenda on healthy and sustainable food systems that includes aspects of climate change policy, acknowledging current levels of carbon emissions/greenhouse gases.

Maceira, Daniel



The main objective was to develop an integrated evidence-based agenda for action for healthy and sustainable food systems in Latin America that prioritize healthy affordable diets, while keeping greenhouse gas emissions within sustainable limits. Patterns of consumption and production need to be addressed in order to promote agroecological and small farmer´s production, and that will favor the consumption of local fresh or minimally processed products. The project included political economy analysis (PEA) on interventions, mapping the main spaces for dialogue within the Brazilian government, academia and civil society, and identifying the stakeholders.

Longhi, Lorenza
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Catalizando el cambio para sistemas alimentarios saludables y sostenibles

CCHeFS es una asociación que tiene como objetivo apoyar sistemas alimentarios más saludables y sostenibles en África.