2020 IDRC Doctoral Research Awardees
Abdulai, Abdul-Rahim
Abdulai was awarded the Bentley Research Fellowship
Digitalization of smallholder agriculture: Pathways to food security and livelihood-based agricultural systems resilience in northern Ghana
University of Guelph, PhD in Geography
Campos Navarrete, Marisol
Fostering local economic development in Tseltal terms: How Indigenous knowledge is informing and guiding successful economically self-sustaining enterprises in six Indigenous communities of Chiapas, Mexico
Trent University, PhD in Indigenous Studies
Closson, Kalysha
Unpacking gender and relationship power inequities to advance sexual and reproductive health among young South African women and men in the time of COVID-19: A youth-engaged study
University of British Columbia, PhD in Population and Public Health
De Araujo Dias, Sharon
Housing Insecurity and Housing Rights of Minorities in Times of Financialization and Covid-19: Lessons from Poor Communities in Northeast Brazil
University of Victoria, PhD in Geography
Dery, Florence
Promoting inclusive growth through women’s employment in the informal water and sanitation (WASH) sector in Ghana
Queen’s University, PhD in Health Promotion
Fagla, Fèmy
L'adaptation urbaine face à la combinaison des stress démographique, climatique et des ressources: cas de l'habitat vernaculaire lacustre de Ganvié au Bénin
Université du Québec à Montréal, Doctorat en études urbaines
Hayes, John
Challenges facing rural communities: Subnational political representation and Mexico’s natural resource governance in comparative perspective
McMaster University, PhD Political Science, Comparative Public Policy (major) and International Relations (minor)
Hill, Lowine
Understanding disaster risk governance from ridge to reef: The place of social networks in Caribbean islands
University of Waterloo, PhD in Social and Ecological Sustainability
Jakubchik-Paloheimo, Martina
Critical geographies of peace in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Empowering Shuar resilience and resurgence through Buen Vivir
Queen’s University, PhD in Geography
Kamanzi, Joyce
Experiences of mothers using the prevention mother-to-child transmission program to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission in Rwanda
University of Alberta, PhD in Nursing
Kapfumvuti, Julian
Gendered impacts of reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Hurungwe, Zimbabwe
Memorial University of Newfoundland, PhD Anthropology
Mehdi, Wajiha
Geographies of violence and Muslim citizenship: How Muslim women navigate hostilities and displacement for inclusive governance and development in India
University of British Columbia, PhD in Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice
Mushtaq, Sehar
Indigenous peacebuilding: An exploratory study of the conflict resolution practices of the Kalash people of Northwest Pakistan
University of Manitoba, PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies
Nyiawung, Richard
Understanding community innovation and responses to environmental change among women oyster harvesters in The Gambia, West Africa
University of Guelph, PhD in Philosophy
Philibert, Léonel
L’expérience de la grossesse à l’adolescence chez les femmes de 13 à 19 ans en Haïti dans les départements du Nord et du Nord-Est
Université Laval, Doctorat en Santé communautaire
Posada, Julian
Embeddedness and social reproduction in human-aided artificial intelligence
University of Toronto, PhD in Information
Sarlak, Lara
Infrastructures of the displaced: A case study of Istanbul
University of British Columbia, PhD in Sociocultural Anthropology
Smith, Melanie
Meeting care needs in the transnational household: Belizean migrant women and their contributions
Dalhousie University, PhD in Sociology
Tiwari, Ishwar
Climate change, women, and children: Assessing vulnerability, impacts and adaptation in Siraha District, Nepal
University of Alberta, PhD Epidemiology School of Public Health
Uwajeneza, Pauline
Teaching family planning in nursing and midwifery schools in Rwanda: A constructivist grounded theory study
Western University, PhD in Nursing
Yeboah, Helena
An exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s living conditions (nutrition) and reproductive health services in Ghana: A mixed-method study
University of Ottawa, PhD International Development and Global Studies