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Evaluation of IDRC’s strategy to scale research results


IDRC is committed to effectively scaling the impact of research, ensuring that high-quality evidence informs knowledge and innovation and contributes to positive change for a more sustainable and inclusive world. Understanding local context and developing tailored solutions are critical for addressing urgent global challenges such as climate change and inequality.

Learn more about IDRC’s approach to scaling as a means to achieve impact that matters, and how it relates to your work in this short animated video and in Scaling Science: In brief. For more information, please visit Scaling Science.

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Evaluation of IDRC’s strategy to scale research results

To improve IDRC’s support for scaling impact, we commissioned an external evaluation to assess the implementation of our 2015–2020 strategic objective to ”invest in knowledge and innovation for large scale positive change.” This was an opportunity to gather diverse perspectives and learn from the experiences of the global research community, including IDRC, as well as other funders and research teams who are leading efforts to scale the impact of their work. The findings and lessons from this evaluation are informing the implementation of IDRC’s Strategy 2030.

Led by On Think Tanks, in partnership with Southern Hemisphere, the evaluation highlighted important insights regarding the practices, systems and processes that can support or hinder efforts to scale impact. We hope this evaluation makes a useful contribution to the emerging science of scaling.

The overall key findings and considerations have been summarized here: Evaluation of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)’s strategy to scale research results: IDRC findings summary 

More specific lessons and considerations for researchers and funders have been summarized here: Evaluation of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)’s strategy to scale research results: lessons and considerations for researchers and funders 2021 

The full evaluation report is available here: Evaluation of the International Development Research Centre’s strategy to scale research results