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Teacher capacity building for play-based early learning in Ghana and Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone
Project ID
Total Funding
CAD 969,733.00
IDRC Officer
Joy Nafungo
Project Status
22 months

Programs and partnerships

Lead institution(s)


Research evidence suggests that pre-primary learning using a play-based approach benefits children and helps them to succeed in school. However, in Ghana and Sierra Leone, teachers find this challenging due to the limited training that they receive in play-based approaches.
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Research evidence suggests that pre-primary learning using a play-based approach benefits children and helps them to succeed in school. However, in Ghana and Sierra Leone, teachers find this challenging due to the limited training that they receive in play-based approaches.

This project will study the implementation of two training programs in both rural and urban settings across the two countries. The study will interview key stakeholders, observe classrooms and conduct surveys in the two countries to compare early-learning centres that are taught by teachers who received the play-based approach training with those that did not. The purpose of this will be to generate knowledge and evidence to improve the practice of play-based learning and teacher training and to determine cost-effective ways of training early-childhood education teachers. The evidence and recommendations of this research will provide a basis for sound policies in both countries on scalable approaches, which can improve access and quality to education by ensuring adequately trained teachers at early-childhood levels.

This project is one of the five projects selected through a Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange call for proposals for early learning in East, West and Southern Africa: Generating and mobilizing innovative knowledge for regional education challenges.

Research outputs

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Ghana and Sierra Leone have implemented Early Childhood Education (ECE) policies with an emphasis on Play-Based Learning (PBL) pedagogy. Despite government efforts, the effect of ECE on children’s educational outcomes remains unclear owing to several factors. Inadequate infrastructure, limited training in PBL pedagogy, unavailability of Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs) and financial constraints are some of the notable challenges. This synthesis report presents the key findings from both the qualitative and quantitative results of the Teacher Capacity Building for Play-Based Early Learning in Ghana and Sierra Leone research project.

Quartey, Peter
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About the partnership


Knowledge and Innovation Exchange

KIX will accelerate the generation and uptake of evidence and innovation in the education sector