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Strengthening teacher professional development and mentorship in Tanzania, Kenya and South Sudan

South Sudan
Project ID
Total Funding
CAD 1,250,000.00
IDRC Officer
Mercy Rurii
Project Status
30 months

Programs and partnerships

Lead institution(s)

Project leader:
Katherine Fulgence


In sub-Saharan Africa, efforts to improve teaching quality and learning outcomes have led to increasing investments in teacher education. Even so, some low- and lower-middle-income nations face difficulties in adequately equipping teachers through pre-service and in-service training.Read more

In sub-Saharan Africa, efforts to improve teaching quality and learning outcomes have led to increasing investments in teacher education. Even so, some low- and lower-middle-income nations face difficulties in adequately equipping teachers through pre-service and in-service training. In these countries, educators frequently do not have the essential proficiency in terms of content knowledge, attitudes and pedagogical skills. This project aims to tackle the challenge through a proven teacher mentorship and support model called School-based In-service Teacher Training (SITT). SITT is a program that trains college tutors to instruct teachers and provide guidance and support through team teaching, model lessons and peer learning.

The overall objective of this project is to generate and mobilize evidence to adapt, contextualize, and scale the impact of this proven approach to strengthening teachers' professional development, wellbeing and agency. The project will adapt and scale the SITT model to include additional primary schools in Tanzania, Kenya and South Sudan, with a particular focus on teaching mathematics, science and life skills. It will generate evidence to support scaling, strengthen the capacities of education stakeholders to apply the innovations to improve teacher professional development and mentorship, and mobilize the evidence developed to enhance policy and practice in the education systems. The project intends to enable women's participation and leadership in decision-making processes at all levels, following SITT’s model of promoting gender sensitivity and inclusivity in the classroom.

This project is funded under the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour between the GPE and IDRC to connect expertise, innovation and knowledge to help low- and middle-income countries build stronger education systems and accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goal on education.

About the partnership


Knowledge and Innovation Exchange

KIX will accelerate the generation and uptake of evidence and innovation in the education sector