Scale-up Supply of Precooked Beans for Food and Nutrition Security by Leveraging on Public-Private Partnerships in Kenya and Uganda
Programs and partnerships
Lead institution(s)
Beans are the most important pulses grown in sub-Saharan Africa. They constitute a significant part of the diets of resource-poor segments of society and enhance the nutritional quality of their diets.Read more
Beans are the most important pulses grown in sub-Saharan Africa. They constitute a significant part of the diets of resource-poor segments of society and enhance the nutritional quality of their diets. However, the bulk of the crop is consumed as dry grain, which takes longer to cook and presents a major constraint to bean consumption.
Precooked beans can contribute to food and nutrition security, income, and employment for smallholder producers and consumers, especially for women, who tend to grow this crop. An earlier phase of this project developed products that reduced cooking time and women's drudgery, improved environmental quality, transformed ad-hoc dry bean markets to structured industrial-driven markets, and contributed to dietary diversity among consumers.
The goal of this follow-up project, implemented in collaboration with the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization and the National Agricultural Research Organization, is to improve food and nutrition security, income generation, and environmental conservation by promoting the use of precooked beans and leveraging public-private partnerships in Kenya and Uganda. It will test the efficiency of various business models for producing and supplying beans for processing and analyze factors that affect the performance of partnerships, including public-private partnerships. In addition, the project will assess impacts of social, gender, and economic trade-offs of market-driven production and supply models on household consumption patterns, food security, nutrition, and social and economic welfare among households.
This project is funded through the Cultivate Africa’s Future Fund (CultiAF), a joint program of IDRC and the Australian International Food Security Research Centre of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. CultiAF supports research to achieve long-term food security in eastern and southern Africa.