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Playing and learning: scaling a math digital game across Peru

South America
Project ID
Total Funding
CAD 671,600.00
IDRC Officer
Alejandra Vargas Garcia
Project Status
End Date
24 months

Programs and partnerships

Lead institution(s)


The COVID-19 crisis is expected to produce large negative effects on student learning in Latin America, especially among disadvantaged populations.Read more

The COVID-19 crisis is expected to produce large negative effects on student learning in Latin America, especially among disadvantaged populations. COVID-19 disrupted the educational process for millions of children and, if not tackled properly, it will have significant harmful implications for long-term growth and inequality.

This project seeks to tackle this critical challenge by scaling an innovative math-learning platform called Conecta Ideas at the national level in Peru. A prior evaluation found that use of the platform resulted in large learning gains in math by promoting motivation and student engagement through digital gaming. This project seeks to scale the platform to 1.5 million Grades Four to Six students in public schools so they can continue learning while schools are closed and can catch up once schools reopen.

The project will also produce rigorous evidence on how technology can cost-effectively produce systematic improvement in educational outcomes at a national scale. Lessons from the activities in Peru will be used to facilitate application and potential scaling of Conecta Ideas in other countries in Latin America.

Research outputs

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Ripani, María Florencia
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