FutureWORKS Latin America and Caribbean hub: skills for a sustainable and inclusive future of work
Programs and partnerships
Lead institution(s)
From demographic trends to technological advancement and climate change, major forces were already upending the world of work before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. The pandemic further accelerated digitalization, new ways of working, the gig economy and automation.Read more
From demographic trends to technological advancement and climate change, major forces were already upending the world of work before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. The pandemic further accelerated digitalization, new ways of working, the gig economy and automation. Adding to these changes is the reality of climate change and transition to low-carbon economies, which will alter economic structures in yet unknown ways. These drivers may further worsen labour market participation and outcomes, disproportionately impacting marginalized women and young people.
The general objective of the FutureWORKS initiative is to support regionally nuanced and high-quality research that addresses key future-of-work (FOW) challenges and opportunities with a focus on innovative and gender-responsive approaches to advance adaptable skills and promote decent work.
This project supports the establishment of the FutureWORKS hub in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The hub will support a LAC-led research program that examines key issues, including the gendered impacts of artificial intelligence; the optimal institutional design to promote appropriate skills development by current and future workers, particularly marginalized groups; and the policy mechanisms and regulations to promote a double transition of workers from informality to formal employment and from brown to green sectors. In addition, it will foster a peer-learning and knowledge-exchange network of key FOW regional organizations and position results with strategic decisionmakers for uptake.