Fostering gender inclusivity in Jordan’s green economy
Lead institution(s)
Jordan is grappling with a high unemployment rate of approximately 23%. It also has one of the lowest female labour participation rates in the world, underscoring significant gender disparities and systemic barriers.Read more
Jordan is grappling with a high unemployment rate of approximately 23%. It also has one of the lowest female labour participation rates in the world, underscoring significant gender disparities and systemic barriers. These workforce challenges are accentuated by restrictive norms and policies that limit women's accessibility to emerging opportunities in the green economy. Given the ongoing challenges posed by climate change and the evolving economic and environmental landscape, green jobs act as a crucial solution to the climate crisis, yet women’s representation in this sector remains notably deficient.
This project focuses on forging a gender-transformative approach where gender equality can boost operational efficiency, employee satisfaction and societal impact. This can serve as a catalyst for systemic change, promoting an inclusive and equitable environment for all genders in the workplace. It will delve into the specific gaps inhibiting women's employment in the green sector both in the Middle East and North Africa region and in Jordan. By analyzing these existing frameworks, the project aims to uncover the root causes of women’s underrepresentation in green jobs. This examination will contribute to enabling targeted strategies and policies that not only address unemployment but also foster an inclusive and diverse workforce within the green sector.