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Exploring the future of women in Sierra Leone: a futures literacy action-research project

Sierra Leone
Project ID
Total Funding
CAD 330,177.00
IDRC Officer
Colleen Duggan
Project Status
End Date
18 months

Lead institution(s)

Project leader:
Kewulay Kamara
Sierra Leone


Gender and women’s empowerment is a pillar of Sierra Leone’s Agenda for Prosperity, but there is still much work to be done toward this end.Read more

Gender and women’s empowerment is a pillar of Sierra Leone’s Agenda for Prosperity, but there is still much work to be done toward this end. This action-research project will test the hypothesis that the systems and processes that shape why and how people imagine the future have significant implications for understanding and potentially altering gender relations and empowering women. It will apply UNESCO’s Future Literacy Laboratories approach in which the participants collaborate on developing scenarios of alternative futures.

These scenarios identify important challenges, possibilities, drives and critical junctions that may affect innovation, market developments and policy choices in the future. Participants will explore the assumptions that frame the future of women in Sierra Leone and the implications these have on perceptions of women’s role in society. This project will connect the local experience with a global community of research and practice, allowing learning to be documented and shared more widely. It will also help establish the conditions for a possible Futures Literacy Centre at the University of Makeni.

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This report presents an overview of the evidence and impacts generated by Exploring the Future of Women in Sierra Leone, an 18-month action research project funded by the Canadian International Research Development Centre and implemented in collaboration with the University of Makeni, the Ministry of Gender and Children’s Affairs, and Badenya. The project pursued three main objectives: 1. conduct research into the anticipatory systems and processes that shape the images of the future of women in Sierra Leone, 2. enhance the capacity to understand and deploy the theory and practice of futures literacy in Sierra Leone, and 3. gain a deeper appreciation of the nature and role of anticipation in shaping the relationship of lived gender conditions to the dynamics of power and identity in societal development.

Miller, Riel
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