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Developing a sustainable nanoparticle-based vaccine solution for broilers and layers against E. coli in low and middle-income countries

Project ID
Total Funding
CAD 1,916,012.00
IDRC Officer
Najete Safini
Project Status
33 months

Lead institution(s)

Project leader:
Breno Castello Branco Beirão


One of the most common diseases on poultry farms is avian colibacillosis, which affects both broiler and laying hens. Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria are responsible for these infections.Read more

One of the most common diseases on poultry farms is avian colibacillosis, which affects both broiler and laying hens. Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria are responsible for these infections. Given the potential economic losses linked to this pathology, high rates of antibiotics are used for both prevention and treatment. However, strains of E. coli that are multi-resistant to antibiotics often render these treatments ineffective.

Vaccination is an alternative that has the potential to provide effective and specific protection and will induce an immune response. This will reduce the number of infections and consequently reduce the use of antibiotics.

This project will support a new application of an existing vaccine technology. The proposed vaccine, made of bio-sourced products, is based on enhancing low-cost solutions that have, on their own, already proven their efficiency, non-toxicity, and stability in hot climate conditions. The new application is based on nanoparticles combined with an extract composed of different strains of E. coli. This mimics a natural bacterial infection and thus leads to the development of specific immunity. Supplemented with adjuvants, it will improve immunity in chickens, offering an additional means to prevent opportunistic diseases. The project will validate the concept and determine the best route of administration in broilers and layers.

Part of this project will be carried out in Brazil, the world's second-largest poultry producer, which is particularly affected by E. coli infections. It is being implemented in collaboration with Lesaffre International Sarl, a France-based producer of yeast and fermentation products, Imunova Análises Biológicas Ltda., a Brazil-based laboratory, and VAXINANO, a vaccine manufacturer based in France.

About the partnership


InnoVet-AMR: Innovative Veterinary Solutions for Antimicrobial Resistance