Connected learning for teacher capacity building in STEM
Programs and partnerships
Lead institution(s)
This project addresses the global undersupply of quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers. It will test and adapt the Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx), a proven approach to strengthen STEM teacher training.Read more
This project addresses the global undersupply of quality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers. It will test and adapt the Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx), a proven approach to strengthen STEM teacher training. CLIx consists of curated and adapted open education resources and supports a community of practice via mobile devices for middle and secondary STEM teachers’ professional development. CLIx was developed in India, and this project will allow it to be adapted and tested in Bhutan, Nigeria, and Tanzania.
The project will take a participatory and localized ecosystem approach to adapting and scaling the innovation. In so doing, the project aims to positively influence policy, practice, and research in teacher education, as well as support learning across the three countries. Two major studies will be carried out using both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The first is an innovation diffusion study which is expected to generate knowledge on the processes and factors that support the adaptation of the innovation for new contexts, as well as the practices and conditions to support scaling in these contexts.
The project will also support capacity building in conducting impact studies of CLIx on learning outcomes attained by both teachers and students. The project has gender, equity, and inclusion embedded in its design and strategies. Gender and inclusion analysis will be included in the research regarding ICT access and use as well as opportunities for active learning in STEM education, and relevance of content. It will pay special attention to rural and marginalized contexts to ensure relevance and meaningfulness for intended user groups. A suite of open education resources will be curated and adapted for suitability to local contexts and needs, new communities of practice will be created on ICT platforms, and new knowledge on adapting teacher training approaches will be shared and integrated into teacher education institutions.
The project was selected through a global call, initiated by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, to learn about scaling proven innovative approaches in education in developing contexts.