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Championing responsible artificial intelligence policy in Africa – East African AI Policy Centre

Project ID
Total Funding
CAD 1,500,000.00
IDRC Officer
Loise Ochanda
Project Status
48 months

Programs and partnerships

Lead institution(s)

Project leader:
Melissa Omino


The artificial intelligence (AI) landscape in Africa continues to evolve as AI takes centre stage in global policy fora. Several countries have embarked on developing AI strategies or policies to leverage the benefits and manage potential risks.Read more

The artificial intelligence (AI) landscape in Africa continues to evolve as AI takes centre stage in global policy fora. Several countries have embarked on developing AI strategies or policies to leverage the benefits and manage potential risks. The Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (CIPIT), part of Strathmore University in Kenya, has conducted foundational work in defining the African AI ecosystem, identifying implications for various development sectors and framing AI through an African lens.

Building on these lessons, this project will enable CIPIT to advocate for and contribute to the development of responsible and ethical AI policy at a national and regional level, particularly in East Africa. This objective will be achieved through production and sharing of knowledge to inform policy, capacity strengthening of various stakeholders and collaboration with other AI policy actors to enhance impact. The project will contribute valuable insights to AI policymaking processes, guiding informed decision-making and policy development by conducting evidence-based research, engaging with policymakers and promoting community participation.

This project is a part of the Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D) program, a five-year partnership between IDRC and the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to support policy, innovations and expanded leadership to spur safe and responsible AI development and use in Africa. The vision of the new partnership is to support an inclusive, responsible AI ecosystem that improves quality of life for all in Africa and beyond.