Building a consortium to address complex challenges influencing human health to improve progress towards health and health-related SDGs
Programs and partnerships
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This project aims to improve health and well-being and address inequality through a series of tangible activities ensuring the implementation of the health and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), using the convening capacity of multi-sectoral think tanks and regional consortiaRead more
This project aims to improve health and well-being and address inequality through a series of tangible activities ensuring the implementation of the health and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), using the convening capacity of multi-sectoral think tanks and regional consortia focused on cross-cutting solutions. This will be done by fostering critical mass that will help drive concrete and measurable actions towards the health-related SDGs at national levels.
Starting at the global level, a Global Guidance Group (3G) will be created along with regional consortia for South-Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa to drive progress. Three countries will be selected per region, including Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan from South-Central Asia, and Ghana, Kenya and Madagascar from sub-Saharan Africa. The project will seek existing, or create new, national and regional think tanks in consultation with the 3G and the regional consortia. These think tanks and regional consortia will be comprised of key stakeholders from various sectors, be gender-balanced and represent diverse age groups, ethnicities and expertise. Together, they will act as advocates and monitors to drive progress towards the health-related SDGs.
Methodologically, this project will update current evidence, focusing more on climate change and inequality, among other aspects. It will conduct in-depth country case studies to develop and support local cross-cutting recommendations through focused research, analysis and advocacy towards improved health, including mental health, nutrition and food systems. A specific focus will be placed on reducing inequalities and increasing access among marginalized populations.
Project results will include synthesis of the updated review of health-related SDG implementation and documentation of the consultations and country experiences. The project will develop specific recommendations for implementing and monitoring the health-related SDGs for the project countries and more generally. The project will also harness local organizational and research capacity for a longer-term perspective to systematically generate evidence and monitor implementation of the health-related SDGs in light of climate change, inequality and COVID-19, among other challenges.