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Advancing gender inclusion in the natural sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics in Haiti and Cuba

Project ID
Total Funding
CAD 1,184,700.00
IDRC Officer
Alejandra Vargas Garcia
Project Status
36 months

Programs and partnerships

Lead institution(s)

Project leader:


This project is part of a cohort of seven projects, selected through a competitive call for proposals as part of the Gender in STEM Research Initiative (GIST). These projects all aim to increase the contribution of science to gender equality.Read more

This project is part of a cohort of seven projects, selected through a competitive call for proposals as part of the Gender in STEM Research Initiative (GIST). These projects all aim to increase the contribution of science to gender equality. Specifically, they aim to promote women’s leadership and participation in the natural sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and in gender analysis in STEM research.

In this project, a Haitian–Cuban consortium supported by Canadian partners will use participatory action research to transform gender relations in STEM research, education, and innovation at six Caribbean agricultural sciences research and higher-learning institutions (three in Haiti and three in Cuba). The overall objective is to develop skills, programs, policies, and structures in Haiti to make research in the agricultural sciences more inclusive and gender-sensitive.

A South-South and South-North network for cogeneration and knowledge sharing will be established. This network will build on Cuba’s regional leadership in gender equity in STEM, drawing on a proven Cuban program, and will establish a centre in Haiti to serve as an institutional mechanism to support these efforts over time. In addition to evaluating, adapting, and sharing (and improving) the Cuban methodology, the project will study the gender policies/practices of the institutions involved. Some 20 projects in agricultural sciences that are attentive to local gender-relations issues will be supported.