Leading by example: Our journey toward sustainability and inclusion

Building on our legacy
For over half a century, IDRC has championed and funded research and innovation to drive global change. Our dedication to these goals was renewed with Strategy 2030, which set out an ambitious agenda to support the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. IDRC’s ESG program recognizes that we could do more to contribute to this vision and highlights progress toward integrating ESG practices into our work.
Strengthening our ethical framework
IDRC places human rights and dignity at the center of all we do. Valuing our global team and partners, we strive to create a secure and positive work environment. This year, IDRC introduced a new policy on preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH), reinforcing our zero-tolerance approach to inaction against SEAH. This policy builds on IDRC’s overall ethical framework, which includes policies on workplace violence and harassment, reflecting our commitment to being an ethical, respectful and inclusive organization.
Key highlights
The 2023-2024 ESG report highlights several key achievements and ongoing initiatives, including:
- Reduction in emissions: IDRC has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions in the Scope 2 category (which refers to indirect emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heating or cooling) by 35%, making significant progress towards our organizational goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
- Diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) initiatives: our DEI efforts are advancing with a comprehensive action plan and the completion of all initiatives from our first Accessibility Plan.
- Organizational achievements: we continue to reinforce our commitment to equitable representation of women, visible minorities and persons with disabilities for five consecutive years, and to empower a vibrant multicultural workforce.
- Fostering inclusivity: IDRC has designed and deployed an Inclusive Leader Playbook, which has become a building block of our culture and commitment to inclusivity.
- Policy development: A new supplier code of conduct has been introduced, setting the standard for sustainability, transparency and social responsibility in every link of our supply chain.
Collective effort for a sustainable future
IDRC’s ESG journey is a collective effort made possible by our employees, management, Board of Governors and all external partners and stakeholders. Leading by example as an institution, we will together bring to life our vision of a more sustainable and inclusive world.
Read the full 2023-2024 ESG report