Cultivating Equality 2021 conference: Panel discussion on transforming outcomes for women livestock owners
The teams, supported by the Livestock Vaccine Innovation Fund, are working on four related research projects focusing on empowering women as users of vaccines, as entrepreneurs, and as service providers in the livestock vaccine distribution and delivery chain. Their work contributes to a greater understanding of the social, cultural, and economic factors that prevent women from accessing the resources and benefits of research for development programs, and how they can overcome the obstacles.
The panel discussion, entitled Using a livestock vaccine value chain framework to identify pathways to transform outcomes for women livestock owners, will touch on the factors that limit the uptake of livestock vaccines by women livestock owners in those areas of Senegal, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Nepal where the research is focused. Each team will also discuss how they have designed their research program to achieve the desired outcome of efficient and equitable vaccine uptake.
The Cultivating Equality conference addresses how marginalization and social exclusion in agriculture and food systems are shaped at the intersection of gender and other social dimensions, such as socio-economic status, age, ethnicity, religion, and belief systems. The conference is co-organized by the CGIAR Gender Platform and Wageningen University & Research, as EU Gender-SMART partner. Participation is free upon registration. For more information and to register, visit the Cultivating Equality 2021 Website.