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ACIAR/IDRC Research Program on One Health

ACIAR and IDRC are investing in One Health research to spur transformative change in human, animal and environmental health.
A farmer tends to some pigs inside a concrete structure with corrugated metal roof
Farmer Long Ngo inspects his swine in their pens at his pig farm

IDRC has a long history of supporting research addressing important One Health research gaps with the potential to respond to the most pressing human, animal and environmental health issues of our time, including zoonotic disease epidemics, antimicrobial resistance and food-system resilience to climate change.In partnership with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), IDRC is investing in a new One Health research program, promoting a collaborative, multi-sectoral and integrated approach to ensure the health of humans, animals and our environment across six countries in East and Southeast Asia. 

Jointly funded for CAD4 million, the ACIAR/IDRC Research Program on One Health (AIRPOH) will form a portfolio of interconnected projects supporting research that will have a transformative impact on human, animal and environmental health. 

Call for research proposals

Research proposals for AIRPOH funding support are being accepted via an online application process beginning on November 29, 2021, and closing January 10, 2022. 

The key objective of this call is to contribute to the continued operationalisation of One Health in East and Southeast Asia — including Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and Vietnam — through a portfolio of interconnected projects that address one or more of the following themes: 

  • the co-benefits of endemic zoonoses and foodborne disease control on national human and animal health systems, livestock trade, food and nutrition security and household resilience 
  • the role of agricultural land use change on human and/or environmental health and the opportunities for innovative perspectives and approaches in thinking around sustainable and safe food production from a One Health perspective  
  • innovative integrated disease-control models/tools that i) re-examine current disease control models for improvement and/or ii) identify novel approaches to address issues such as animal and human health service delivery and environmental management 
  • evidence and policy for strengthening animal health systems to better support regional public goods such as food safety, pandemic preparedness and ecosystem health. 

About ACIAR 

The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) is the Australian Government’s specialist agricultural research-for-development agency within the Australian aid program. The purpose of ACIAR is to contribute to reducing poverty and improving the livelihoods of many in the Indo-Pacific region through more productive and sustainable agriculture emerging from collaborative international research. IDRC and ACIAR have been successfully collaborating to invest and support international agricultural research for development since 2013. 

For more information about this call, please visit the AIRPOH page on the ACIAR website