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Seven implementation research projects are addressing the root causes of gender inequalities and poor sexual, reproductive and maternal health outcomes.

This African-led interdisciplinary cohort of research teams works across eight countries spanning Anglophone and Francophone countries in East, West and southern Africa. Each project within the GT4Africa Cohort uses gender-transformative approaches to address root causes of poor sexual, reproductive and maternal health outcomes.

Expected outcomes include shifts in structural power relations and norms, roles and inequalities that determine the differentiated experiences of women and adolescent girls seeking healthy and respectful sexual and reproductive lives. Inclusive partnerships within and across communities engage men and women to understand and challenge the social norms that perpetuate inequalities in different milieus of life. The use of intersectional analysis is a consistent feature across the cohort.

Knowledge and practice gaps are being addressed through a learning-oriented and participatory set of activities, which will produce localized research frameworks, methodologies, metrics and knowledge products that represent African experiences led by African researchers.


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PROMOTE project