Evidence-informed policies and practices to improve maternal and child health
Alex Wynter/WHO
Health policies, systems or programs do not improve automatically just because sound evidence is available.
While the lack of evidence is often a major stumbling block to informed decision-making, the availability of successful interventions does not mean that they are necessarily applied in practice. Complex factors enter into decision-making. Understanding them and finding ways to influence them are key to translating evidence into policy. Fourteen IMCHA research projects worked with decision-makers to explore ways to improve the policy environment for better applicability and adoption of health innovations.
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Learn more:
- Video: Improving policies for better maternal and child health
- Research in Action: Informing maternal and child health policies through research
- Knowledge Brief on Knowledge Translation
- Making the links in Canada and Africa event series: Evidence-informed policies and practices to improve maternal and child health
- Event recording
- Perspective piece: Champions of evidence play a pivotal role in bridging research-to-policy gap