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Summaries of completed Access to Information requests in 2013

The International Development Research Centre posts summaries of completed Access to Information requests by its Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Coordinator.

December 2013

Request Number: A-2013-20
Summary: Provide copies of funding or grant applications made by Queen’s University to IDRC related to the ‘rice dryer’ project #851017 (start date 1985) along with any documents, including audits, reviews, progress reports, final reports, emails resulting from the grant application, financial statements; any of same prepared by IDRC; and any of the same forwarded to and from Third Parties.
Disposition: Partial Disclosure
Number of Pages Disclosed: 365  

November 2013 

Nothing to report

October 2013

Request Number: A-2013-17
Summary: Please provide details pertaining to your Active Photocopier Lease Agreements including Equipment Type (Make & Model), Lease Expiry Date, Lease Start Date and 
all information pertaining to the purchase of printers, scanners and fax machines within the last 4 years: Equipment Type (i.e. printer, scanner), Manufacturer Serial #, Acquisition Date, Acquisition Value.
Disposition: Full Release
Number of Pages Disclosed: 36

September 2013 

Nothing to report

August 2013

Nothing to report

July 2013

Nothing to report

June 2013 

Nothing to report

May 2013

Request Number: A-2013-02
Summary: Provide copies of funding or grant applications made by World Fisheries Trust (WFT) to IDRC along with any financial statements, documents and communications with WFT; any of same prepared by IDRC; and any of the same forwarded to and from Third Parties.
Disposition: Partial Disclosure
Number of Pages Disclosed: 2572

Request Number: A-2013-09
Summary: Provide copies of all documents, including audits, reviews, memos reports, emails, etc., resulting from the contribution agreements with ASEED/Equiterre, Sierra Club and the Sage Centre/Sage Foundation that were released in response to Access to Information Request 2013-04.
Disposition: Partial Disclosure
Number of Pages Disclosed: 115  

April 2013

Nothing to report

March 2013

Request Number: A-2013-03
Summary: Provide copies of all documents, including audits, reviews, memos, reports, emails, etc., resulting from the contribution agreements with Tides Canada Initiatives, Equiterre and the Pembina Institute that were released in response to Access to Information Request 2012-01.
Disposition: Partial Disclosure
Number of Pages Disclosed: 349

Request Number: A-2013-04
Summary: Provide copies of all contracts and funding agreements with the following groups: Tides Canada, David Suzuki Foundation, Environmental Defense, Sierra Club Canada, the Pembina Institute, Equiterre Ecojustice and the Western Canadian Wilderness Committee between January 1, 2004 and December 21, 2009.
Disposition: Partial Disclosure
Number of Pages Disclosed: 45

Request Number: A-2013-05
Summary: Provide a list of all projects funded by the IDRC and deal with any of the following issues since January 1, 2010: Kyoto Protocol, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Carbon Taxes/Pricing, Oilsands, Pipelines or Tankers.
Disposition: Total Disclosure
Number of Pages Disclosed: 84

Request Number: A-2013-06
Summary: Provide copies of funding or grant applications made by Westwind Sealab Supplies (WSS) to IDRC along with any financial statements, documents and communications with WSS; any of same prepared by IDRC; and any of the same forwarded to and from Third Parties.
Disposition: No records exist
Number of Pages Disclosed: 0

February 2013

Nothing to report

January 2013

Request Number: A-2013-01
Summary: "Provide copies of all contracts and funding agreements with the following groups: Tides Canada, David Suzuki Foundation, Environmental Defence, Sierra Club Canada, the Pembina Institute, Equiterre, Ecojustice and the Western Canada Wilderness Committee since January 1, 2010."
Disposition: Partial disclosure
Number of Pages Disclosed: 75